Reviving the Heart - Yasmin Mogahed
By Muslim Central
Beberapa hari yang lalu aku melihat seorang teman mem-posting quote ini:
Jleb, kalimat singkat yang membuatku memikirkan banyak hal, refleksi ….
Dan entah kenapa quote itu mendorongku untuk membaca ulang dan merapikan catatan
salah satu lecture Yasmin Mogahed yang kudengar dari website Muslim Central.
Di awal lecture, Yasmin menceritakan bahwa ada hal yang menarik
perhatiannya saat ini adalah tentang "Creating a Foundation". This is problem of individual and our
community, lanjutnya.
Berikut resume dari lecture tersebut:
Apa yang terjadi pada pohon yang
tidak memiliki pondasi yang kuat?
Kira-kira apa hubungan pondasi
dengan pohon?
Allah gives example in Quran 14: 24 >> about tree.
Allah memberikan perbandingan: good tree vs evil tree.
Apa perbedaan di antara keduanya?
Can stand in weather or not depend on >> their root.
✎Good tree = asluha tsabit.
Tsabit is strong, very deeply rooted.
The branch reach the sky.
Taller tree get the deeper root.
Muslim >> as a community, as
one ummah.
“In order to reach the sky, to
grow, we have to have solid root, we have to get deeper in order get higher and
"Mission of Prophet"
Hadits from Aisyah r.a.
First verse not reveal do not drink alcohol but about creating the bond, relationship with Allah,
deeply rooted in love and fear.
Apa maksudnya? Koq bisa love and
fear fit together?
Sebelum itu dibahas lebih lanjut, Yasmin menyampaikan ada kesalahan yang
umum dilakukan generasi muslim sekarang.
What is the mistake that we made?
Mistake in Islamic Education: We
come with the rules first.
Aisyah r.a. berkata kalau ayat yang pertama tentang larangan minum
alkohol, mungkin tidak akan banyak orang
langsung jatuh cinta pada Islam.
Tapi kenyataannya adalah sebaliknya, begitu banyak orang di kala itu yang
jatuh cinta pada Islam.
“Train the people's heart to
become the best human being. Before tell them the rules.”
Unfortunately ….
A lot of us, see Islam = list
about halal and haram.
List about dos and don’ts.
Yang kita tahu di awal, adalah konsep:
Kita sebaiknya gak melakukan
kesalahan sedikitpun karena nanti Allah akan memasukkan kita ke neraka.😨😨😨
Coba kita cek sama-sama.
Konsep tersebut tidak membangun
hubungan yang baik pada Allah SWT.
Konsep tersebut malah menumbuhkan hubungan yang tidak seimbang.
That is dangerous to teach children about Allah with that way.
“That's not Allah speak about Himself.
Allah tells us: ‘He is merciful’.”
Mind-set when we learn about Allah.
We think scary police officer. Allah as police in our life.
What kind of relationship from
that mind-set?
Itulah hubungan yang terjalin antara muslim dengan Islam secara umum
sekarang ini.
Kita merasa takut pada agama kita sendiri.
Mind-set yang menumbuhkan Relationship of Avoidance.
Mind-set lainnya:
✎Everything is haram.
✎Deep seed of fear.
✎No matter what I do, I always mess up.
✎I always do mistakes or slips.
✎I'm bad.
✎I never be good enough.
Hey! Stay away from that mind-set completely!
Mind-set between parent-children:
We use religion to control our children. Or we think to control our
children by religion.
Haram is the first thing we teach
to our children.
But Aisyah r.a. tell us the opposite.
Rasulullah saw. didn't come with the rules first.
So, what is the methodology from
our beloved Prophet?
Hadits Arbain No. 6: Halal, Haram, dan Syubhat.
Halal, haram, dan syubhat >> it is about rules.
The hadits does not end there!
Apa kelanjutannya?
Tentang di dalam tubuh ada daging.
This is the secret of hadits!
The key from the next paragraph >> qolbu.
The entire body control by it.
Qolbu corrupted >> body corrupted.
Ini hadits lengkapnya:
“Sesungguhnya yang halal itu
jelas, sebagaimana yang haram pun jelas. Di antara keduanya terdapat
perkara syubhat–yang masih samar–yang
tidak diketahui oleh kebanyakan orang. Barangsiapa yang menghindarkan diri dari
perkara syubhat, maka ia telah menyelamatkan agama dan kehormatannya.
Barangsiapa yang terjerumus ke dalam perkara syubhat, maka ia bisa terjatuh
pada perkara haram. Sebagaimana ada penggembala yang menggembalakan ternaknya
di sekitar tanah larangan yang hampir menjerumuskannya.
Ketahuilah, setiap raja memiliki tanah larangan dan tanah larangan Allah
di bumi ini adalah perkara-perkara yang diharamkan-Nya. Ingatlah di dalam jasad itu ada segumpal daging. Jika ia baik, maka
seluruh jasad akan ikut baik. Jika ia rusak, maka seluruh jasad akan ikut
rusak. Ingatlah segumpal daging itu adalah hati (jantung).” (HR. Bukhari dan
Muslim) [HR. Bukhari no. 2051 dan Muslim no. 1599]
How's our building people's heart?
How's our building the foundation?
How's our connecting people to Allah in the
root level?
is so essential part.
to get close with Allah? At foundation level.
to build the heart?
"Ibrahim a.s. Du'a"
Beautiful extended du'a.
...qolbun salim (QS al-Syu'ara [26]: 87-89)
Di saat tak ada yang bermanfaat bagi siapapun, kekayaan dan anak, atau kekuasaan,
kecuali qolbun salim.
Qolbun salim = hati yang bersih.
back to Allah with the heart sound and healthy.
is the master of our body.
can connect with Allah by your heart.
follow our heart.
Masya Allah…
The hadits start with fiqh (halal,
haram, dark matter, that is clear) and then linked to the heart.
Apa pelajaran dari hadits di atas?
✎We must training our heart, to do the rules.
Jadi start-nya dari mana?
✎Dari hati, bukan dari rules!
Sometimes we forget that the heart
is just like the body.
So we must taking care it too the same way.
Eat for body.
Kalo gak makan gimana sebulan,
seminggu atau beberapa jam aja?
What happened to that person?
Hungry, starving, and you gonna die.
Same with your spiritual.
Maintain body, maintain heart too.
Spiritual world same with physical world.
The heart also needs food.
Mau ujian nih, terus menunda-nunda
makan bahkan bernapas (?).
Apa yang akan terjadi?
You will suffocate to die.
Efek yang sama juga terjadi pada heart.
Heart becomes weak. Iman becomes
Sesibuk apapun kita, kita gak mungkin melewatkan makan apalagi bernapas.
Tapi kenapa kita selalu bisa
menunda/melewatkan sholat? #jleb
Itu intinya sama loh...
Shalah is the oxygen of our heart.
If we feel emotionally,
spiritually, psychologically weak >> check your "oxygen" level.
We have different challenges...
That makes us weak...
✎Health challenges
✎Psychological challenges
✎Relationship challenges
✎Personal challenges
✎Family challenges
✎Financial challenges
life is test!
can't stop.
we stop we can die.
have to keep going.
When you are drowning in the
ocean, and then...
The difficulties is not slip, but...
✎What do you do after that?
✎How do you respond when you fall?
✎Will you keep to stand back?
✎Can you get up?
That is the distinguishing the one
who successful and the one who not.
How to overcome the challenges?
We must healthy inside. Feeding our heart with oxygen.
We have to create daily routine.
Emang bisa bernapas sekali sebulan?
We have to take care our heart. How?
1. Shalah
Doing shalah = oxygen of our heart.
To make establishment relationship with Allah.
That is the roots.
Inilah asluha tsabit.
✎Shalah is breathing, take the
oxygen, absolutely.
We must train our heart, to handle test of life.
That's the skill when we train spiritually.
2. Du'a
Mengingat Allah setiap saat: duduk, berdiri, dan berbaring.
✎Remember Allah when things go our
way and things don’t go our way.
Ketika kita sakit, lalu kita gak minum obat.
Maka siapa yang akan mendapat dampaknya?
Kita sendiri atau dokter yang memberikan resep?
Du'a is the food for the heart.
✎We are the one fukarah.
✎We are the one who are poor.
✎We are the one in needs.
We have to bring back this
We need Allah in our heart to face
the storm!
We should learn how to FLY INSIDE
That is called resilience!
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