[Notes from IIBF] Licensing Children's Book Content
Licensing Children's Book Content: How to Make Most Out of Your Content and Increase Income
Best practice from one of the biggest children’s book publisher in Germany
Sylvia Schuster from Carlsen Publishers, Germany
Indonesia International Book Fair @Summit Room JCC
Jum’at, 14 Sept 2018

Workshop ini ditujukan untuk para penikmat buku, pembuat konten, dan penerbit buku anak. Selama tiga jam, Sylvia Schuster dari Carlsen Publishers, Jerman, memberikan kiat dan wawasan bagaimana membuat konten yang kuat dan bagaimana meningkatkan pendapatan dari buku anakmenggiurkan yaaa. Ini termasuk cara menerbitkan buku anak berkualitas, melisensi buku yang sudah diterbitkan, dan memasarkannya secara efektif.

Ada yang sudah pernah mendengar Carlsen Publishers?
Well, aku juga baru pertama kali mendengarnya saat di workshop kemaren.
Ternyata ini publisher yang menerbitkan Harry Potter berbahasa Jerman!

Oke, berikut catatan dari Workshop minggu lalu:

👉What you get to know:
1. The German Children’s Book Market
2. Carlsen Publisher: Our Books and Selling Them
3. More Than the Book: CONNI, the Series
4. Workshop: now it’s you! Collecting the Ideas, Makes the Book Travel

The German Children’s Book Market
Riset Pasar!
☑ 16% children book >> for pleasure.
☑ 50% >> young readers (usia SD).
☑ 12% >> saingan dengan gadget.
☑ -1.6% >> less book reading.
☑ 94% >> proper book than e-book.
Children book is cheaper than adult book.

Carlsen Publisher
Didirikan pada 25 April 1953.
Fokusnya di buku anak, contohnya Harry Potter, The Adventures of Tintin.
Genre buku yang diterbitkan: fiction, non-fiction, series, activity, picture book, comic, manga, humour, and gift book.
Tidak hanya menerbitkan buku, tapi dari buku lahirlah:
☑ Book fair
☑ Film
☑ Post card
☑ Extended info sheets
☑ Lovely package
☑ Sample translation
☑ Pre-offering it to selected publisher
☑ Working wih merchandising agency

How Carlsen Publisher Sell Right?
Our foreign publisher are partner and experts of their market
Everything can be negotiated! There is no model contract
Insight of foreign markets, trends, tastes, and competitors
Foreign rights catalogues/special issues for key accounts
Info sheets and mailings
(Extended) sample translations
Drawing the final pitch >> pilih buku mana yang bagus untuk dipromosikan
Picture book event at Frankfurt Book Fair >> banyak melakukan meeting >> perubahan ide
Book meets film
Foreign book fairs, visiting publisher at their offices
Shop checks >> jalan-jalan ke toko buku, lihat display
Agencies (foreign/merchandising and film) >> select the agensy very carefully
Cooperating with the German Cultural Institute (Goethe Institut) for translation grants
oint ventures (China)
It’s tired, but they do to improve.

More Than a Book: the CONNI Series
😇What is Conni?
Conni merupakan German stereotype girl >> jual keunikan.
Conni >> anak perempuan berambut pirang berpita merah, menggunakan kaos stripes putih-merah, celana jeans, dan sneakers.
First Conni picture book has been published 25 years ago.
Most popular children’s brand among 4-6 year olds.
Children grow up with Conni.
The Conni universe: 3+, 7+, 10+, 12+.
Conni series: picture book (40 vol.) and board books (15 vol.)
😇Conni become role model for children (and parents!).
Because of Conni, they got many letters from parents.
They said Conni is good model for their children.
😇Conni is a good way to educate children.
From Conny story book the series, it become activity book, app, etc.

Can you see it?
From (just) the book, it‘s going to further steps.
😇Prinsipnya: Conni is learning/experiencing something, getting along with family and friends, softskills >> emphaty.

Conni travels…
Conni has been translated into 18 languages.
Conni is understood everywhere! Not only Germany.
😇Conni is respect others, curious, friendly, optimistic, behavesaccording to social roles, likes her family and esteems her friends.
😇Conni is average children, middle class, no princess at all, readers best friend.
It is about inner values.

Conni travels…
Conni change her name (Bori, Elif, Terka, Berta, Laura, Gaia, etc.), format and cover design, abridged school curriculum.
Bahkan juga dicetak buku Conni versi super mini, gak beda jauh dengan ukuran kartu remi, jadi kalopun dipinjem, terus gak balik, gak masalah ya, gak mahal…hehe.
Kini Conni juga mengikuti perkembangan zaman. Teman-temannya Conni multikultural dan ada yang berbeda agama, ada yang berkulit hitam dan beragama Islam.
Conni merchandising >> according to our style guide & approval of rights holders, suitable merchandising & fan wear.

Bagaimana cara membuat MoU dengan publisher lain?
Fleksibel, antara publisher yang satu dengan yang lain belum tentu sama.
MoU itu berdasarkan trust.

Bagaimana cara memilih merchandise yang akan dibuat?
Have to be very careful, choose the best quality, very picky.
It is okay less merchandise, but beautiful.
Pernah dicoba membuat boneka Conni tapi hasilnya ugly, hehe, setelah belajar dari kesalahan, buat lagi, baru deh hasilnya cantik.

Licensing >>> it’s about pitching.
It’s more than selling… Thoughts and ideas on selling rights!
Sometimes it’s about quality, not quantity.

Sylvia Schuster bercerita, awalnya memang berat, bahkan di awal ia melakukan cara “menjemput bola” >> knock the door another publisher.
Before Frankfurt Book Fair >> it needed many: brainstorming, mindmapping, and pitching.

Book publishing >> unpredictable and surprising.

Don’t give up to “selling” your book!
Keep going, telling another publisher “Hey, this me (again). I have beautiful book.
Because you are the only one who believe your book.

☑ Using social media
☑ Making others happy and honoured
☑ Highlighting the author and illustrator, now that are “sexy job”
☑ Networking
☑ Bridging cultures and language
☑ Making them complete
☑ Making offers

About: PITCHING - Finding Essence of a Book
☑ Honesty
☑ Keep it simple & short! (3 sentences)
☑ Traditional ways: “knock the door”
☑ Assorted pitching
☑ Find the strong argument for the editors
☑ Believe in courage
☑ Different media: using post card

Pitch - Concept - Sharing
👉Pitch: finding the best arguments, the “essence”, unique, find the strong why?
👉Concept: giving rights holders both freedom and support
👉Sharing: it’s you, selected experts and agents, don’t be greedy, let’s share
🔖Salam literasi
Miranti Banyuning Bumi
Tags: Lifelong learner

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